Children need to be protected from all combustion byproducts. Spare all the combustion habits for a healthier child.
Seattle TV Show on wood smoke and asthma and allergies. View video on your computer: (Beware of the industry pressure that claims you can eliminate wood smoke by burning correctly!)
March 2003: Volcanic ash and respiratory symptoms in children on the island of Montserrat, British West Indies.
Volcano eruptions can generate large quantities of airborne particulates, sulfur oxides, hydrogen sulfide and toxic metals like mercury, arsenic and iridium to the atmosphere. A volcano on the island of Montserrat, British West Indies, has erupted intermittently since 1995. During heavy ashfalls, the airborne levels of particulates smaller than 10 microns in diameter (PM10) reached levels as high as 150,000 micrograms per cubic meter of air- which is 3,000 times the US EPA annual limit of 50 microns PM10/ cubic meter air. The incidence of wheezing was 3.8 times as common in children moderately to heavily exposed to volcanic ash as compared to unexposed children (95% confidence range of 1.7 to 7.0).
- L Forbes et al. Volcanic ash and respiratory symptoms in children on the island of Montserrat, British West Indies. Occupational and Environmental Medicine
March 2003; 60(3):207-211.