Guide for New Visitors
The Burning Issues web site contains a great deal of information. This page lists some of the highlights of the site. We suggest that you peruse this information first. The top pages are:
- General
- Science
- Preface by Dr. Wayne Ott. A very short overview.
- Twelve Year
Study of Particulate Pollution in a residential
neighborhood of Redwood City, CA showing that there has been
no improvement in a dozen years. Stove switch out programs
have a failure
- World Health
Organization: 2 million premature deaths every year
due to
air pollution. They urge cleaning up the air. AIDS kills over 2 million people a year. (Economist, 2/18/08). Why do we think that AIDS is a catastrophe but air pollution isn't.
- Wood smoke particle. A microphotograph of an actual wood smoke particle removed from a patients lung and depictions of the size of such particles.
- Temperature inversions play an important role in trapping smoke on clear cold evenings.
- EPA Report showing that certified wood stoves deteriorate over
- Carnegie-Mellon study looking for effects of a coal-fired power plant found larger contribution of wood smoke than that of the coal-fired power plant and comparable to that of the smelter in down town Pittsburgh.
- Wood Smoke is an important source of Dioxins and PCBs.
- Neighborhood monitoring done by Burning Issues.
- New Estimates of Premature Deaths (830 KB) from long term exposure to PM2.5. See SF Chronically article discussing this report;
- In Southern California and the San Joaquin Valley dirty air kills more than car crashes. "It may be tempting to think California can't afford to clean up, but in fact dirty air is like a $28 billion lead balloon on our economy," said. Jane Hall, lead author of the study at Cal State Fullerton.
- We should emphasize Climate Neutral rather than Carbon Neutral which covers only part of the wood burning problem.
- Educational Materials
- Brochures
and Fact Sheets
- 2003 WOOD SMOKE Brochure Black & White (183KB PDF) Annotated version of the brochure with references (143KB PDF)
- 2007
Brochure This is a general wood smoke brochure. It
explains the wood smoke problem and other air toxins and talks about
what you can do about it.
- Cancer Brochure This brochure describes the ways that wood smoke is particularly dangerous for cancer patients and steps that can lessen their exposure.
- Medical effects fact sheet
- OWB Fact Sheet (102KB PDF)
- OWB Brochure, September 2008 (228KB PDF)
- Slide Show Provides a quick introduction.
Our experience has shown that IQair machines with the coarse filter
attachment (one per room) provide
superior protection during smoke emergencies for me. They are
expensive. There are a number of brands of air cleaner which
claim to remove air pollution as well as a number of low cost
(about $50)
do-it-yourself projects to be found on
IQair has never provided financial support to Clean Air Revival, Inc.
- A new 5-minute video featuring the Tasmanian President of the Australian Lung Foundation, Dr James Markos:
- Medical Effects
- Legal
- October 27, 2014. British Columbia Supreme Court Judge order "cease and desist" order using fireplace. Newspaper story and ruling.
- May 22, 2009. Judge prohibits outdoor wood boiler in Jackson, MI
- March 6, 2009 Testimony before Connecticut lawmakers on HR6616 An Act Establishing Wood Smoke as a Public Nuisance. It includes a fine summary of Health Effects of Wood Smoke by a Public Health Toxicologist.
- 1992 judgment by Oregon Court of Appeals found that smoke intrusion is trespass. This may be an important precedent for judicial protection from particular wood burners.
- Judgments against wood burners. There has been a lot of recent actions where wood burners have lost.
- 2010 judgment in Quebec Small Claims Court awarded damages to smoke victim. Actual judgment ( 598KB)
- Scientific Papers
- John A. Cooper's 1980 paper on residential wood burning is the earliest paper on the subject that we have seen and it seems to have said it all. Scanned full text of Cooper's paper.
- Climate Change
May people believe that at worst burning wood is "carbon neutral". Particles Cause Climate Change shows that belief to be incorrect.
- "Controlling Soot Might Quickly Reverse a Century of Global Warming" published by Wired, July 29, 2010; the title says it all. This dramatically illustrates that when considering wood burning or any combustion carbon neutral is very different from Climate Neutral, indeed.
- Biofuels Deemed a Greenhouse Threat
and also increase the total Particulate Pollution.
- Economics
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