The Connection Between Cleaner Air and Longer Live. A New York Times article with a great collection of photos of smog in US cities in the Mid Twentieth Century. "As the United States and other nations continue to debate the costs of environmental regulation, they can do so with the knowledge that the benefits can be substantial. As proof, we need look no further than the five extra years residents of Weirton-Steubenville are living and the hundreds of millions of years gained by Americans throughout the nation." Nov. 8, 2015
Europe's Biomass is the most popular source of 'renewable' energy is worse for the planet than coal. Nov. 5, 2015
A new Canadadian report that studies the impact of air pollution on life expectancy. Nov. 2,2015
Have Residents Gasping on the Soot Left Behind. Article from New York Times. Sept. 9, 2015
Exposure to fine particulate air pollution during pregnancy through the first two years of the child's life may be associated with an increased risk of a child developing autism spectrum disorder. (May 24, 2015)
Air pollution directly affects cognition and lung function. (May 24, 2015)
Cognative Function A new study suggests that long-term exposure can cause damage to brain structures and impair cognitive function in middle-aged and older adults.UltrafineParticle Health Effects A really fine summary by John R. Froines, Ph.D. Powerpoint Presentation (2208 KB) (May 1, 2015)
Wood Pellets Are Big Business (And For Some, a Big Worry)
California Beach Bonfires May Be Doused
Supreme Court in British Columbia oders "cease and desist " order against using fireplace - actual ruling
Judge prohibits outdoor wood boiler in Jackson, MI .(5/22/2009) Newspaper account with comments.
Al Gore calls on world to burn less wood and fuel to curb 'black carbon'. (4/28/2009)
Fight in Montreal (3/26/09) An ad campaign started in Montreal by environmentalist and health groups seeking to ban wood-burning appliances in new construction. This newspaper story covers rebuttal arguments from wood-stove makers who insist that the answer to wood smoke pollution is for Montreal to allow EPA approved stoves.
American Lung Association wins case seeking stronger Particulate Pollution Standards. (2/24/2009)
GASP! Hotline-W09 (1.6MB) newsletter: WInter 2009: Group Against Smog and Pollution: Pittsburgh
Guest ArticleWritten by Mary Rozenberg and published in the GASP! Hotline newsletter, Spring - 2008
GASP! Hotline-S08 (1.2MB) newsletter: Spring 2008: Group Against Smog and Pollution: Pittsburgh
Offsite news page with item related to OWB News updated weekly.
Public Utility Fined for Wood Fired Boiler Emissions June 6, 2008.
SF Chronicle article "Pollution danger higher than earlier estimated." by Jane Kay, Chronicle Environment Writer printed Friday, May 23, 2008.
Ontario Court finds Wood Smoke Hazardous to Health
In February 2008, the Supreme Court of Ontario found that Brenda and David Deumo of Hamilton, Ontario had suffered harm severe enough to deprive [them] of the ability to stay outdoors in their yard, or to go to the house and leave the windows open. The judge ordered $270,000 in damages and legal costs.
New York Times: 3-28-08 "Your Second Home | Outdoor Fireplaces A Little Warmth, at a Cost" By STEVE BAILEY [ is quoted.]
Amherstburg, Canada, neighbors get legal order to stop man's wood burning.
Air Pollution: The growing danger of wood burning in Chico, CA. An artile written by Luke Anderson and printed in the Chico News and Review 3/25/08.
Outdoor Wood Boiler (OWB) article: "Pollution Concerns Have Led Some Communities to Restrict Their Use" by C.J. Hughes, New York Times, 2-3-08
Wood-burning boilers aren't good neighbors- The Republican-Western Massachusetts
Bono, the lead singer of U2 is smoked out: "Among the Rich, a New Dispute Over Air Rights" - New York Times, 5-16-07, By ALLEN SALKIN
"Oregon county considers changes to meet new federal air standards", 5-27-07, Associated Press.
Newspaper Articles from the Burning Issues Archives.
Attention: Bay Area Residents!
Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) Meetings to Discuss Wood Smoke Proposals. Nov. 2007
Burning Issues Commentary on EPA Approved Stoves and the BAAQMD Proposal. Nov. 2007
Proof Positive that The Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) has failed to Improve the Wood Smoke Situation at all. It is found in the Twelve Year Study by Dr. Wayne Ott. Nov. 2007
Unpublished letter by Dr. Ott to the San Francisco Chronicle emphasizes contribution of wood smoke particulates to pollution in the Bay Area.