BurningIssues.org A project of Clean Air Revival inc.~ a 501-C3 organization.
Thank you—
for sharing our dream and vision of Clean Air All the Time—
and for making clean air and your health a priority.
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Regular membership is $50 per year., student membership is $15 per year. Every tax deductible contribution of any amount will help us provide the best possible support to you.
Donations of $1,000 – $5,000 – $10,000 – $50,000 – $100,000 and up would help us—
- purchase much needed technical equipment for measuring and recording pollution
- publicize our message about wood smoke
- finance and publish Research
- attend conferences
To contribute, make checks or credit card donations* payable to:
BURNING ISSUES -- Please mail checks to:
Clean Air Revival, Inc.
PO Box 1045
Point Arena, CA 95468
*This invokes PayPal to handle the transaction and you can donate by credit card.
[available online: burningissues.org]
Please tell us if you wish to be acknowledged for your donation or to remain a silent supporter.
Burning Issues is a project of Clean Air Revival, Inc., a 501C-3 non profit organization dedicated to research and education on clean energy and aerosol pollution. Clean Air Revival, Inc. is registered with the Registry of Charitable Trusts in the State of California. Our organization number is #1686895.
Burning Issues has no paid staff. Our 1,200 square foot office is donated, but has overhead and operating costs. Every bit of every dollar contributed helps further research and improve public education about the dangers of wood smoke pollution.
Together, we can increase awareness of how burning spreads deadly particulate pollution around us—especially in our homes and neighborhoods.
Please use the information you find here. Share it with every one you know.
Knowledge is power . . .
Increased awareness = less burning
Less burning = 40 to 60% reduction in respirable particles on most winter days!
Sincere thanks for your support on this pioneering effort.
Want to see your dollars working in your home town? Place a classified ad with a short message and our web site address <http://burningissues.org> in your local paper