UltrafineParticle Health Effects A really fine summary by John R. Froines, Ph.D.
Southern California Particle Center. Powerpoint Presentation (2208 KB)Excellent Summary of the Medical Arguments against wood burning prepared as comments on the proposed rule, entitled Standards of Performance for New Residential Wood Heaters, New Residential Hydronic Heaters and Forced-Air Furnaces, and New Residential Masonry Heaters [79 FR 6329] by The Utah Physicians for a Healthy Environment (UPHE) (111KB PDF) for submission May 2014
Airing the Word on Pollution Statement from the American Medical Association on Air Pollution
Burning Issues Fact Sheets (last update 2001) and Fact Sheets in PDF Format (size 17 KB)
Pub Med 230 MEDICAL ABSTRACTS:1/12/02, the wood smoke list. Also do a fresh search on PUBMED. MEDICAL ABSTRACTS. The FREE PUBMED SITE , search for " wood smoke". It will give you a current 243 or more abstracts. Or see the older completed search here with out leaving the site.
North American Studies on the Health Effects of Woodsmoke (PDF 214KB). 3 Tables and a Bibliography. [Highly Recommended. ED]
Scientific Studies of Health Effects of Woodsmoke (Wood Smoke) and Particulate Matter Pollution, indoor and Outdoor, (2004, Bay Area Air Quality Management District) [Highly Recommended. ED]