Medical Effects
Earlier findings by Omni Environmental Services, Inc., who prepared a report in 1988 for the U.S. Dept. of Energy included tables of estimated numbers of wood smoke deaths and cancer victims from their biomass energy program (Greene, 1988). The numbers were based on an analysis of a five state region of AK, ID, MT,OR, and WA plan to reduce smoke by 5 to 45% by various programs of stove certification, catalytic converters, moratorium on new stove installations, and education. (The authors did not provide an estimate for the number of lives that would be saved by stopping wood heating.) Additional caveats: at the time of the report the EPA had not yet reported their failure in smoke reduction from wood burning for home energy; population has increased dramatically in some of these states and would expose even more people now and would increase the number of homes and stoves.

Cost/Benefit Analysis of Mitigation Measures For Minimizing Environmental Impacts of Residential Wood Combustion, Task F, Final Report DOE/BP/18508--7, DE89 001553

Prepared by Wm. T. Greene, Omni Environmental Services, Inc.,
Prepared for U.S. Dept. of Energy (DOE), Pacific NW and Alaska Regional Biomass Energy Program, c/o Bonneville Power Administration, Portland, OR, Contract #: DE-AC79-85BP18508, June 1988

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