This page links to some of the testimony given before the Connecticut Legislature concerning proposed bill HB. 6616, An Act Establishing Wood Smoke to be a Public Nuisance.
The first PDF is the testimony of David R. Brown ScD. who is a Public Health Toxicologist. He presents a really fine summary of the health problems associated with wood smoke.
Next is the testimony of Dorothy E. Alderman who was a victim of wood smoke and felt compelled to move because of the wood smoke.
Marin Mador, the Legislative and Political Chair of the Connecticut Sierra Club testified in support of HB 6616 as well as offering testimony on other pending legislation.
Laura Russo recounted her experiences with a neighbor who purchased an outdoor fireplace.
See Public Health Committee Testimony for HB-06616, a Connecticut Assembly site, for links to all the testimony given on March 9, 2009. Not surprisingly, victims and public health people supported HB-06616 while people who stand to make money from the Residential Wood Heating were against the bill. Some of the claims of the opponents included untrue "facts".