United States:
Federal PM2.5 NAAQS: US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) established the PM2.5 NAAQS, October 2004 to be protective of human health with an adequate margin of safety. as the relevant health benchmark. The values are:
* Annual 15 µg/m3
* 24 Hour 65 µg/m3
Pa rticulate Matter
Canada: Environmental Protection Division: Air
England: Particulate Matter: 50 micrograms per metre cubed as a 24 hour running average. Nov 1995 Air Quality Stategy for England, Scotland, and Wales, Northern Ireland PDF (248 KB)
"Air pollution is a serious problem. Up to 24,000 people die prematurely every year in Britain because of its effects. Many thousands more require hospital treatment. Because of the fragile nature of their lungs, children are particularly vulnerable. The cost to individuals and families is immense. But so too is the cost to the NHS and, because of lost work and productivity, the cost to the economy." John Prescott, Deputy Prime Minister